Here is a list of the people that, in some way, have made SuperMarioBrosX.org better or have had a positive impact on the community.
Andrew "Redigit" Spinks
The Current Forum Staff
The Original Forum Staff - Kyasarin, Luminous, DarkMatt, Kuribo, and 4matsy
The TrekWeb Staff - CaptainTrek, Spitfire, Vandarx, Skittlez12, FallingSnow, Blaarg, and Conker Belmont
The FOSSnet Staff - bikcmp, Dominian, JStoker, and Sheena <3
Other Cool Guys - Andydark, Blue, Captain Obvious, Celarix, Chad, Chase, Coldwin, Garro, Horikawa Otane, Iceman404, Ignoritus, Kley, krazykoopa, Luigifan2010, m4sterbr0s, Namyrr, qig, Quill, raocow, Red Yoshi, reghrhre, Shocker, Uncle Sam, Valtteri, Zephyr, zifnab, and Zolastar